Pints for Polio

Please join the Charlevoix Rotary Club on December 3rd and help us raise money to stop Polio Worldwide! Internationally, Rotary has helped immunize more than 2 billion children against polio in more than 122 countries, which has resulted in reducing the polio cases by 99 percent worldwide. For every pint of beer sold, LCBC will donated a dollar, and for every dollar raise (up to $1000) Charlevoix Rotary Club will match the donation to Polio Plus. This event is open to the public, so mark your calendars and tell all your friends.
We had a very successful event. Thanks to the generosity of the Lake Charlevoix Brewery, attendees, and our club match we successfully raised $2408. Each pint of beer sold resulted in $6 to EndPolioNow ($1 donated from LCBC, $1 match from the club, $4 from Gates foundation). Grand total raised from this event (including Gates foundation match) $9,632, resulting in the equivalent of one pint of beer immunizing 10 children!!