Mt. McSauba Community Playground Installation

Through a Community Needs Assessment process, the City of Charlevoix identified the need for a modern playground facility at the Mt. McSauba recreational area and ski hill and incorporated this need in its community master plan.  Unfortunately, funding for this substantial project has not been available.
The Rotary Club of Charlevoix has had a decades-long interest in supporting local youth and raises substantial funds annually for a variety of school and community youth needs including Model UN, sports programs, and a high school Strive program which provides mentoring and scholarships to struggling students who need extra support. 
Over the past two decades, the Rotary Club of Charlevoix has also helped fund larger youth projects including the buildout of the Charlevoix High School auditorium, the installation of the digital Rayder Field scoreboard, and the development of the Rotary Park playground adjacent to the community ball fields on the southside of Charlevoix. 
With the approval of the Charlevoix City Council, the Rotary Club of Charlevoix is partnering with the City of Charlevoix through the Recreation Department to orchestrate the funding and community build of a full playground at the Mt. McSauba Recreational Area.  This playground will be uniquely designed for the wooded environment where it will reside and will be utilized by hundreds of children and families who recreate at Mt. McSauba each year.